Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Suriyamara (Dark Wood) Sofa Set - The Newest Addition

This is the Newest Addition to the Furniture Collection of Alankara Gallery, Sri Lanka.

The sofa set consist of 3+2+1 Seater and the 36" x 36" Coffee Table with a Glass in the middle is made of a local wood called "Suriyamara" in Sri Lanka.

The set is nicely fabricated with a beige color cushion covers to match a light color floor tiles.

This wooden sofa is available at:
Alankara Gallery
No. 236, De Zoysa Road,
Sri Lanka.

Visit Web: www.alankaragallery.com


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  5. Oh I love the look of the dark wood and the style of the simply sofa.3+2+1 is an odd and new combination but the advantage is it could be spread creatively through the living area.

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